Georgiou Foteini

Georgiou Foteini

Georgiou Foteini was born in Larissa. At the age of sixteen he started playing music, participating in the children’s choir of the Municipal Conservatory of Larissa. At the age of eighteen he started classical singing lessons at the Macedonian Conservatory of Thessaloniki. A few years later he started theory and piano lessons at the same conservatory. She obtained a piano degree with Athanasios Govatzidakis, a degree in harmony with Dimitrios Athanasiadis and a diploma in monody with Marialena Panagiotopoulou. Then, he got a piano diploma with professor Christos Lenoutsos at the Modern Conservatory of Larissa. She has attended piano seminars with Dimitris Toufexis and orthosomic seminars with Christos Noulis. He works at the Modern Conservatory of Larissa, teaching piano and solo lessons.
